The flight was eventful. and it all started before I even got on the plane.
The Board Room in Vancouver is apparently no longer available to first class Alaska Air passengers (take note G&L) so I had to start my very early AM with no free (haha) latte.
Our stop in LAX was a long one as it took forever to balance the huge amount of luggage which they finally managed to do in both cabin and cargo holds, they said. The little tractor thing pushed the plane from the gate and BAM! clank, clunk! the tow rod broke and hit the plane. We then had to sit for another 45 min while they, the aviation folks, decided what to do. In the end we were deemed good-to-go and we lumbered off an hour and a half late.
When we arrived ZLO some of us discovered after everything was unloaded that several pieces of luggage were left behind in LAX (my tote was one) - no wonder we were suddenly light enough to fly. Happily, Marcia was kind enough to wait and wait for us (Pam and Greg and I) to come through the door.On Monday afternoon, my tote finally arrived half way up the stairs to my door, broken, half-open, taped with three diff kinds of tape and looking like it had been kicked all the way from LAX or maybe dragged behind a burro. Some good stuff was missing, of course, and thesalt and sugar-free peanut butter in a plastic tub had broken open and welded everything else to the bottom.
What a sticky mess!
Needless to say Alaska has heard from me and their initial response was that it could take at least a month to hear back with a solution or compensation... like a decade of free flights?
At least I am warm!
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